
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Ein Sommernachtstraum

Opera by Benjamin Britten (1913–1976)
Libretto by the composer and Peter Pears
Based on the play by William Shakespeare

In English with German Surtitles

3 hours, one intermission

For adults and young people from age 12

Dates and tickets

Fr, 08.11.2024 | 19:30 – 22:30 h
24,50 € – 71,00 € | red. from 6,00 €
Opernhaus |  
Revival |  
24,50 € – 71,00 € | red. from 6,00 €
Musikalische Leitung Stephan Zilias

Oberon Nils Wanderer Tytania Meredith Wohlgemuth Puck Jami Reid-Quarrell Theseus Daniel Eggert Hippolyta Freya Müller Lysander Marco Lee Demetrius Luvuyo Mbundu Hermia Beatriz Miranda Helena Ketevan Chuntishvili Bottom Frank Schneiders Quince Yannick Spanier Flute Philipp Kapeller Snug Markus Suihkonen Snout Fabio Dorizzi Starveling Eduardo Martinez Cobweb Dialekti Kampakou Mustardseed Eunjeong Song Moth Diana Piticas Peaseblossom Hye Jin Eun

Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover, Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester Hannover
Fr, 15.11.2024 | 19:30 – 22:30 h
25,50 € – 75,50 € | red. from 6,00 €
Opernhaus |  
25,50 € – 75,50 € | red. from 6,00 €
Musikalische Leitung Stephan Zilias

Oberon Nils Wanderer Tytania Meredith Wohlgemuth Puck Jami Reid-Quarrell Theseus Daniel Eggert Hippolyta Freya Müller Lysander Marco Lee Demetrius Luvuyo Mbundu Hermia Beatriz Miranda Helena Ketevan Chuntishvili Bottom Frank Schneiders Quince Yannick Spanier Flute Philipp Kapeller Snug Markus Suihkonen Snout Fabio Dorizzi Starveling Eduardo Martinez Cobweb Tatjana Rodenburg Mustardseed Eunjeong Song Moth Diana Piticas Peaseblossom Hye Jin Eun

Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover, Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester Hannover
Su, 17.11.2024 | 18:30 – 21:30 h
21,50 € – 59,50 € | red. from 5,00 €
Opernhaus |  
21,50 € – 59,50 € | red. from 5,00 €
Musikalische Leitung Piotr Jaworski

Oberon Nils Wanderer Tytania Meredith Wohlgemuth Puck Jami Reid-Quarrell Theseus Daniel Eggert Hippolyta Freya Müller Lysander Marco Lee Demetrius Luvuyo Mbundu Hermia Beatriz Miranda Helena Ketevan Chuntishvili Bottom Frank Schneiders Quince Yannick Spanier Flute Philipp Kapeller Snug Markus Suihkonen Snout Fabio Dorizzi Starveling Eduardo Martinez Cobweb Dialekti Kampakou Mustardseed Tatjana Rodenburg Moth Diana Piticas Peaseblossom Hye Jin Eun

Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover, Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester Hannover
We, 20.11.2024 | 19:30 – 22:30 h
21,50 € – 59,50 € | red. from 5,00 €
Opernhaus |  
21,50 € – 59,50 € | red. from 5,00 €
Musikalische Leitung Stephan Zilias

Oberon Nils Wanderer Tytania Meredith Wohlgemuth Puck Jami Reid-Quarrell Theseus Daniel Eggert Hippolyta Freya Müller Lysander Marco Lee Demetrius Luvuyo Mbundu Hermia Beatriz Miranda Helena Ketevan Chuntishvili Bottom Frank Schneiders Quince Yannick Spanier Flute Philipp Kapeller Snug Markus Suihkonen Snout Fabio Dorizzi Starveling Eduardo Martinez Cobweb Dialekti Kampakou Mustardseed Eunjeong Song Moth Tatjana Rodenburg Peaseblossom Hye Jin Eun

Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover, Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester Hannover
Fr, 22.11.2024 | 19:30 – 22:30 h
24,50 € – 71,00 € | red. from 6,00 €
Opernhaus |  
24,50 € – 71,00 € | red. from 6,00 €
Musikalische Leitung Piotr Jaworski

Oberon Nils Wanderer Tytania Meredith Wohlgemuth Puck Jami Reid-Quarrell Theseus Daniel Eggert Hippolyta Freya Müller Lysander Marco Lee Demetrius Luvuyo Mbundu Hermia Beatriz Miranda Helena Ketevan Chuntishvili Bottom Frank Schneiders Quince Yannick Spanier Flute Philipp Kapeller Snug Markus Suihkonen Snout Fabio Dorizzi Starveling Eduardo Martinez Cobweb Dialekti Kampakou Mustardseed Eunjeong Song Moth Diana Piticas Peaseblossom Tatjana Rodenburg

Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover, Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester Hannover
Th, 28.11.2024 | 19:30 – 22:30 h
23,00 € – 63,00 € | red. from 5,00 €
Opernhaus |  
last performance in this season |  
23,00 € – 63,00 € | red. from 5,00 €
Musikalische Leitung Stephan Zilias

Oberon Nils Wanderer Tytania Meredith Wohlgemuth Puck Jami Reid-Quarrell Theseus Daniel Eggert Hippolyta Freya Müller Lysander Marco Lee Demetrius Luvuyo Mbundu Hermia Beatriz Miranda Helena Ketevan Chuntishvili Bottom Frank Schneiders Quince Yannick Spanier Flute Philipp Kapeller Snug Markus Suihkonen Snout Fabio Dorizzi Starveling Eduardo Martinez Cobweb Dialekti Kampakou Mustardseed Eunjeong Song Moth Diana Piticas Peaseblossom Hye Jin Eun

Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover, Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester Hannover

The world has come apart. Oberon and Titania, King and Queen of the fairies, are having a lovers’ quarrel. To win their argument, they unleash their magical powers and plunge the nature of their forest into an enchanting nocturnal chaos. Two young couples, who escaped to the forest as a result of their own confused emotions, are caught up in the fray, and so is a group of theatre-loving craftsmen looking for inspiration. How can this world be put right again?

This comedy, probably Shakespeare’s most famous, masterfully juggles the emotional and social levels of humankind. Centuries later, composer Benjamin Britten takes on his nation’s literary genius for his tenth opera. The plot takes everything that a musical drama needs from Shakespeare’s comedy: drama-ridden amorous mania, fairy-dreams in Oberon’s kingdom, the rough-spun craftsmen’s scenes, and the tragicomedy of a delicate fairy-queen who surrenders herself to an enamoured donkey in a drugged haze. On this sultry June-night, blazing desires from various spheres collide unintentionally, and the result is unholy chaos. The musical language is poetic, mysterious, comical, at times dramatic and always of sublime virtuosity. An instrumentation that plays on every colour of the rainbow leads us into a thicket of feelings, into an emotional undergrowth. In this moonlit rushing of the forest, tragic love occurs right next to coarse parody, until the characters recover both their sanity and their true selves in a happy ending.

The harmonious fabric of sounds of the fairy-realm, the human lovers and the drastic pastiche of the craftsmen leads us on a musical journey across entire centuries. Britten’s Midsummer Night’s Dream is the composer’s deep bow before the greatest poet of his nation, an evening of tremendous fun and a mirror to the world on stage. The revival of Michiel Dijkema’s production unfolds its effective theatrical enchantment between “pep and poetry”, “trash and dream” (HAZ).

Musikalische Leitung Stephan Zilias / Piotr Jaworski
Inszenierung Michiel Dijkema
Bühne Florian Parbs
Kostüme Claudia Damm
Szenische Einstudierung der Wiederaufnahme Clara Jansen
Einstudierung Kinderchor Tatiana Bergh
Dramaturgie Klaus Angermann
Dramaturgische Betreuung der WA Sophia Gustorff

Oberon Nils Wanderer
Theseus Daniel Eggert
Hippolyta Freya Müller
Lysander Marco Lee
Demetrius Luvuyo Mbundu
Starveling Eduardo Martinez
Cobweb Dialekti Kampakou / Tatjana Rodenburg
Mustardseed Eunjeong Song / Tatjana Rodenburg
Moth Diana Piticas / Tatjana Rodenburg
Peaseblossom Hye Jin Eun / Tatjana Rodenburg

Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover,
Statisterie der Staatsoper Hannover,