
La Bohème

Giacomo Puccini (1858 –1924)
Opera in four Acts
Libretto by Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica
Based on the Novel Scènes de la vie de Bohème by Henri Murger

In Italian with German surtitles

2 hours 15 minutes, one intermission

For adults and young people from age 12

Dates and tickets

Fr, 13.12.2024 | 19:30 – 21:45 h
26,50 € – 80,00 € | red. from 7,00 €
Opernhaus |  
26,50 € – 80,00 € | red. from 7,00 €
Musikalische Leitung Andrea Sanguineti

Mimì Barno Ismatullaeva Musetta Ketevan Chuntishvili Rodolfo Marco Lee Marcello Darwin Prakash Schaunard Lluís Calvet i Pey Parpignol Antonio Fernandez Brixis | Jae Wook Yoo Colline Yannick Spanier Benoit John Pickering Alcindoro John Pickering Pflaumenverkäufer Thomas Kubitza Zöllner Valentin Kostov | Uğur Okay Sergeant der Zollwache Woo-Jung Kim | Keun-Sung Yook

Chor der Staatsoper Hannover, Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover, Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester Hannover
Su, 15.12.2024 | 18:30 – 20:45 h
21,50 € – 59,50 € | red. from 5,00 €
Opernhaus |  
21,50 € – 59,50 € | red. from 5,00 €
Musikalische Leitung Mario Hartmuth

Mimì Barno Ismatullaeva Musetta Ketevan Chuntishvili Rodolfo Marco Lee Marcello Luvuyo Mbundu Schaunard Lluís Calvet i Pey Parpignol Antonio Fernandez Brixis | Jae Wook Yoo Colline Yannick Spanier Benoit John Pickering Alcindoro John Pickering Pflaumenverkäufer Thomas Kubitza Zöllner Valentin Kostov | Uğur Okay Sergeant der Zollwache Woo-Jung Kim | Keun-Sung Yook

Chor der Staatsoper Hannover, Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover, Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester Hannover
Fr, 20.12.2024 | 19:30 – 21:45 h
24,50 € – 71,00 € | red. from 6,00 €
Opernhaus |  
24,50 € – 71,00 € | red. from 6,00 €
Musikalische Leitung Andrea Sanguineti

Mimì Kiandra Howarth Musetta Ketevan Chuntishvili Rodolfo Marco Lee Marcello Darwin Prakash Schaunard Lluís Calvet i Pey Colline Markus Suihkonen Parpignol Antonio Fernandez Brixis | Jae Wook Yoo Benoit John Pickering Alcindoro John Pickering Pflaumenverkäufer Thomas Kubitza Zöllner Valentin Kostov | Uğur Okay Sergeant der Zollwache Woo-Jung Kim | Keun-Sung Yook

Chor der Staatsoper Hannover, Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover, Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester Hannover
Su, 22.12.2024 | 18:30 – 20:45 h
23,50 € – 67,00 € | red. from 5,00 €
Opernhaus |  
23,50 € – 67,00 € | red. from 5,00 €
Musikalische Leitung Andrea Sanguineti

Mimì Barno Ismatullaeva Musetta Ketevan Chuntishvili Rodolfo Marco Lee Marcello Darwin Prakash Schaunard Lluís Calvet i Pey Parpignol Antonio Fernandez Brixis | Jae Wook Yoo Colline Yannick Spanier Benoit John Pickering Alcindoro John Pickering Pflaumenverkäufer Thomas Kubitza Zöllner Valentin Kostov | Uğur Okay Sergeant der Zollwache Woo-Jung Kim | Keun-Sung Yook

Chor der Staatsoper Hannover, Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover, Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester Hannover
Sa, 28.12.2024 | 19:30 – 21:45 h
25,50 € – 75,50 € | red. from 6,00 €
Opernhaus |  
25,50 € – 75,50 € | red. from 6,00 €
Musikalische Leitung Andrea Sanguineti

Mimì Barno Ismatullaeva Musetta Ketevan Chuntishvili Rodolfo Marco Lee Marcello Luvuyo Mbundu Schaunard Lluís Calvet i Pey Colline Markus Suihkonen Parpignol Antonio Fernandez Brixis | Jae Wook Yoo Benoit John Pickering Alcindoro John Pickering Pflaumenverkäufer Thomas Kubitza Zöllner Valentin Kostov | Uğur Okay Sergeant der Zollwache Woo-Jung Kim | Keun-Sung Yook

Chor der Staatsoper Hannover, Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover, Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester Hannover
Fr, 03.01.2025 | 19:30 – 21:45 h
24,50 € – 71,00 € | red. from 6,00 €
Opernhaus |  
24,50 € – 71,00 € | red. from 6,00 €
Musikalische Leitung Andrea Sanguineti

Mimì Kiandra Howarth Musetta Ketevan Chuntishvili Rodolfo Marco Lee Marcello Luvuyo Mbundu Schaunard Lluís Calvet i Pey Colline Markus Suihkonen Parpignol Antonio Fernandez Brixis | Jae Wook Yoo Benoit John Pickering Alcindoro John Pickering Pflaumenverkäufer Thomas Kubitza Zöllner Valentin Kostov | Uğur Okay Sergeant der Zollwache Woo-Jung Kim | Keun-Sung Yook

Chor der Staatsoper Hannover, Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover, Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester Hannover
Su, 05.01.2025 | 16:00 – 18:15 h
23,50 € – 67,00 € | red. from 5,00 €
Opernhaus |  
last performance in this season |  
23,50 € – 67,00 € | red. from 5,00 €
Musikalische Leitung Andrea Sanguineti

Mimì Kiandra Howarth Musetta Ketevan Chuntishvili Rodolfo Marco Lee Marcello Darwin Prakash Schaunard Lluís Calvet i Pey Parpignol Antonio Fernandez Brixis | Jae Wook Yoo Colline Yannick Spanier Benoit John Pickering Alcindoro John Pickering Pflaumenverkäufer Thomas Kubitza Zöllner Valentin Kostov | Uğur Okay Sergeant der Zollwache Woo-Jung Kim | Keun-Sung Yook

Chor der Staatsoper Hannover, Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover, Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester Hannover

After spending years in the State Theatre’s set storage, Chris Alexander’s timeless production was revived and returned to the stage in 2019. A huge success: The press attested “no expiration date” and the cast presented itself as a “company of strong voices and joyful performances” – a wonderful debut for the Italian voices in the ensemble of the Hanover State Opera.

La Bohéme presents a scenario of apparent opera magic, full of a poetry ranging between romantic cliché and the realism of bitter poverty. With unquenchable pleasure and nostalgic melancholy, opera audiences around the world have followed the tragic love story between Rodolfo, an ambitious yet unsuccessful novelist, and the simple seamstress Mimì. The unparalleled popularity of the opera and its vivid contemporary appeal are due to the incredible beauty of Puccini’s melodies. His music manages to characterise the atmosphere of the Parisian bohemia with great detail and without false sentiment. Lyrical episodes are sketched realistically and contrasted with sometimes intense, sometimes humorous, tumultuous scenes. And everything is crowned by Puccini’s “great pain in small souls”: the yearning for a little bit of happiness in real life, turned into music.

Musikalische Leitung Andrea Sanguineti
Nach einer Inszenierung von Chris Alexander
Szenische Einstudierung der Wiederaufnahme Valérie Junker
Bühne Kathrin Kegler
Kostüme Marie-Therese Cramer
Licht Claus Ackenhausen
Kinderchor Tatiana Bergh

Rodolfo Marco Lee
Parpignol Antonio Fernandez Brixis / Jae Wook Yoo
Benoit John Pickering
Alcindoro John Pickering
Pflaumenverkäufer Thomas Kubitza
Zöllner Valentin Kostov / Uğur Okay
Sergeant der Zollwache Woo-Jung Kim / Keun-Sung Yook

Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover,
Statisterie der Staatsoper Hannover,